The Greek poet ILIAS FOUKIS , was born on 20 August 1969 in Epirus in northwestern Greece. Began to write poetry since 1988 when he was student in the Lyceum. Published volume of poetry THE TESTAMENT OF A LESSER GOD , which has been translated into ten languages including English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, etc.. Has won literary awards - OSCAR DE DOS OURO VENCEDORES, Brazil 2012 - MASSIMO D'AZEGLIO, Italy, 2012, 2013 - CITA DEL GALATEO, Italy in 2013. MASSIMO D;AZEGLIO 2016. His poem titled YOUNG GREEK SOLITARY was included in Poetry Anthology - U.S. Library of Congress. Works and lives in Athens.
The Greek poet ILIAS FOUKIS , was born on 20 August 1969 in Epirus in northwestern Greece. Began to write poetry since 1988 when he was student in the Lyceum. Published volume of poetry THE TESTAMENT OF A LESSER GOD , which has been translated into ten languages including English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, etc.. Has won literary awards - OSCAR DE DOS OURO VENCEDORES, Brazil 2012 - MASSIMO D'AZEGLIO, Italy, 2012, 2013 - CITA DEL GALATEO, Italy in 2013. MASSIMO D;AZEGLIO 2016. His poem titled YOUNG GREEK SOLITARY was included in Poetry Anthology - U.S. Library of Congress. Works and lives in Athens.
Ne qofte se ne te dy
do te duheshim gjate gjithe dites
mengjesin tjeter....
ndonese ne gjume n'a u shpifen endrra
per forcen kolosale te se keqes...
me te njejtin dinamizem
do te mund te duheshim gjate gjithe vitit...
Ne qofte se ne te dy
do te duheshim gjate gjithe vitit..
megjithese hapesira
kuterbon nga mediokritetet e botes...
si nje horizont i paster
do te shpalosej perpara nesh mendimi
se ne kundershtim me zbehjen e drites se syve
do te duheshim gjithnje e me ndritshem
gjate gjithe shekullit..
Dhe ne qofte se ne te dy
do te realizonim nje mrekulli te tille
duke u dashur
gjate gjithe shekullit
mendjelehte dhe naive
si parardhesit tane perballe gjerave te ndaluara
do te vraponim tek mendimi
se fare mire mund te duheshim
gjate gjithe shekujve...
Por ky mendimi i fundit... do te ishte shume i rende
i nje peshe Universale..
dhe rreptesisht i denueshem
nga perendite e Olimpit
me akuzen..
'' Per dhenien e sekretit te Lumturise Njerezimit..''
dhe nen peshen e saj te verbert
mund te vdisnim....
Perktheu nga greqishtja SPIRO FUQI