
Tuesday, December 30, 2014




The Greek poet ILIAS FOUKIS , was born on 20 August 1969 in Epirus in northwestern Greece. Began to write poetry since 1988 when he was student in the Lyceum. Published volume of poetry THE TESTAMENT OF A LESSER GOD , which has been translated into ten languages including English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, etc.. Has won literary awards - OSCAR DE DOS OURO VENCEDORES, Brazil 2012 - MASSIMO D'AZEGLIO, Italy, 2012, 2013 - CITA DEL GALATEO, Italy in 2013. MASSIMO D;AZEGLIO 2016. His poem titled YOUNG GREEK SOLITARY was included in Poetry Anthology - U.S. Library of Congress. Works and lives in Athens.


As we ended daydreaming

this meant the placement of the sings
on Earth had also come an end
and now was the proper moment
to make our way down
in quest of golden things.
In agreement with the Dream forecasts
Luck would be found on the first level
which based on the recommendations 
of the Magicians of Paradise...
would be luminous
and delivered
of all the groans of Earth.

Since we would have luck in our own hands
there were many possibilities on the next level
according to one utterly faithful to
Ancient Astrological legend
we would encounter Love.

And since the Earth would have loved us
finally, on the third level, 
as the instructive Spirit
of the Founders of Genesis bore witness to
all the possibilities would lead to Happiness.

So you'll understand just how serious we were
in this Quest for Happiness
in the depths of Earth

I need only say that to be absolutely certain
the plan made clear that the searchers
had to be very careful
because our mysterious Earth 
kept fire in her pockets
which was capable of setting our
golden things aflame.

Don't worry...someone consoled us.
Our beloved Earth
keeps streams of water there within
so we can put out these dangerous fires
in an emergency...

An thus bit by bit
from Dream to ordeal
from ordeal to anxiety
the Earth finally opened up.

I imagine you understand...

We were sure that at last
we had before us
(despite the fact this was not aspired to
by a single written document in the World) 
an unblemished day.

Unfortunately, however, 
the Earth while continuing to be ours
hold nothing back especially for us
because she had never dreamed
of any future for her own self
and the existence of golden things
never even came up.

And indeed
it was precisely from this indifference of hers
the water which was the lighets of all
had risen high
and our hopes so unavoidably fiery
were extinguished
on the first level...

Translation by  PHILIP  RAMP



The Greek poet ILIAS FOUKIS , was born on 20 August 1969 in Epirus in northwestern Greece. Began to write poetry since 1988 when he was student in the Lyceum. Published volume of poetry THE TESTAMENT OF A LESSER GOD , which has been translated into ten languages including English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, etc.. Has won literary awards - OSCAR DE DOS OURO VENCEDORES, Brazil 2012 - MASSIMO D'AZEGLIO, Italy, 2012, 2013 - CITA DEL GALATEO, Italy in 2013. MASSIMO D;AZEGLIO 2016. His poem titled YOUNG GREEK SOLITARY was included in Poetry Anthology - U.S. Library of Congress. Works and lives in Athens.


In the frozen wastes of Antarctica

the only thing lacking
was the Sun...
which was found in excess
only in the Sahara Desert.

In the heat and aridity of the Sahara
the only thing lacking was...
an Oasis
which was found in excess
only in the Amazon rain-forests.

Immersed in the Amazon Oasis
the only thing lacking
was the Summit...
which was found in excess
only in the Himalayan Mountains.

Now that I've reached the highest summit
in the Himalayas
I see that you can't dream of
anything higher than this...

On the Summit
the security and serenity
are so soothing and undisturbed
that I could literally
die of Loneliness...

So for that reason..
since I want to live
the only solution is descent..

Translation by  PHILIP RAMP




The Greek poet ILIAS FOUKIS , was born on 20 August 1969 in Epirus in northwestern Greece. Began to write poetry since 1988 when he was student in the Lyceum. Published volume of poetry THE TESTAMENT OF A LESSER GOD , which has been translated into ten languages including English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, etc.. Has won literary awards - OSCAR DE DOS OURO VENCEDORES, Brazil 2012 - MASSIMO D'AZEGLIO, Italy, 2012, 2013 - CITA DEL GALATEO, Italy in 2013. MASSIMO D;AZEGLIO 2016. His poem titled YOUNG GREEK SOLITARY was included in Poetry Anthology - U.S. Library of Congress. Works and lives in Athens.


At that moment when Aphrodite 
conquered the fourth Sky as well
the highest circles of Society
decided that she could now be
proclaimed Illustrious Woman.

That is the great
moment had come for the Advertisement
her body to be stuck to the background
of Omnipotence
or for the passions of Nature to violently
trampled on
if she were
to conquer even the Ninth Heaven.

Or simply to be a contributor
to the Sun's circling from Dawn to Sunset
to be executed not only 
without any intervention of night
but also during the time period
when the Giants of money had a taste for it.

And without yet returning to her husband
Aphrodite observed that
the seas had begun to bury the blue in the earth
and the first dust had begun to fall
on the laurel wreath of victory 
as the island of Cyprus
filled up with reporters and managers
and with the vilest people in the World.

The moment Hephaestus learned of all that
he locked himself in his house
because he too would be losing
his beautiful wife
now she had appeared before 
the eyes of the World...

Translation by PHILIP RAMP 

Friday, October 24, 2014



The Greek poet ILIAS FOUKIS , was born on 20 August 1969 in Epirus in northwestern Greece. Began to write poetry since 1988 when he was student in the Lyceum. Published volume of poetry THE TESTAMENT OF A LESSER GOD , which has been translated into ten languages including English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, etc.. Has won literary awards - OSCAR DE DOS OURO VENCEDORES, Brazil 2012 - MASSIMO D'AZEGLIO, Italy, 2012, 2013 - CITA DEL GALATEO, Italy in 2013. MASSIMO D;AZEGLIO 2016. His poem titled YOUNG GREEK SOLITARY was included in Poetry Anthology - U.S. Library of Congress. Works and lives in Athens.


The soldiers...the Ships and the Women in particular
have no idea on how to give commands.

Arranged in a way it couldn`t be worse
it seems strange to them that despite all that
they have acted so sincerely.

After the ceremonial extinguishing of the Fires
and the fall of bodies into Hell
someone was found
who had given them the order
that there was no longer any need to act.

So as you see
the war has ended
and now the autobiographies have to be written
which to be as complete as possible
it was decreed they should be confessions
having as their narrative key
presumptuousness and command.

The poeticism of the Gods, however,
which would have been able to cover up the World`s scandals
went up in flames along with the Cities.

And while writing they recall for yet another time
these Cities alive...
and the People too.

with the past of which
all the Recollections have an unavoidable
and mortal bond
and end their confession in that way...
that it would always remain a revolting Nightmare
and the way they had been betrayed would never be able
to be transformed into a Fairy-Tale.

Translation by PHILIP RAMP

Saturday, October 11, 2014



The Greek poet ILIAS FOUKIS , was born on 20 August 1969 in Epirus in northwestern Greece. Began to write poetry since 1988 when he was student in the Lyceum. Published volume of poetry THE TESTAMENT OF A LESSER GOD , which has been translated into ten languages including English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, etc.. Has won literary awards - OSCAR DE DOS OURO VENCEDORES, Brazil 2012 - MASSIMO D'AZEGLIO, Italy, 2012, 2013 - CITA DEL GALATEO, Italy in 2013. MASSIMO D;AZEGLIO 2016. His poem titled YOUNG GREEK SOLITARY was included in Poetry Anthology - U.S. Library of Congress. Works and lives in Athens.


During the years he was away from Penelope
Odysseus received quite a number of sexual proposals
from the most beautiful women in Greece.

And as he thanked wholeheartedly
these anonymous Goddesses of Greek temptation
for their silken invitations to passion
Odysseus said that he would respond
as soon as the Universal Community was informed
about the Trojan War.

It had a right to know no matter what
how he went to Troy embodied in the very tempests
not in order to provoke heartache and Catastrophe
but simply to vent the anger of Greece
over its lost honor
saying it had entered the wrong Soul.

The Universal Community however
was informed solely by the Poets
and even then very tardily.

So then Odysseus
the virtuoso mercenary of Glory
ended with the thought
that if he had been truly loved
by the most beautiful women in Greece
he would have emerged from this History
utterly without glory.

From what can be seen
this story would always be defined
by the Poets alone
and these Erotic tales would simply
be called poetic.

The Universal Community
would deem them unbelievable.

Translation by PHILIP RAMP



The Greek poet ILIAS FOUKIS , was born on 20 August 1969 in Epirus in northwestern Greece. Began to write poetry since 1988 when he was student in the Lyceum. Published volume of poetry THE TESTAMENT OF A LESSER GOD , which has been translated into ten languages including English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, etc.. Has won literary awards - OSCAR DE DOS OURO VENCEDORES, Brazil 2012 - MASSIMO D'AZEGLIO, Italy, 2012, 2013 - CITA DEL GALATEO, Italy in 2013. MASSIMO D;AZEGLIO 2016. His poem titled YOUNG GREEK SOLITARY was included in Poetry Anthology - U.S. Library of Congress. Works and lives in Athens.


The most vicious attacks
on my life
have always commenced from the left. 

They seem cruel...quite irresistible
and I turn back to the realm of grief
observing that my forces are few
and that out there waiting for me again
the open arms and altar of calamity.... 

Not because of the devastation of Consciousness
(nothing like that has ever happened to me)
but for the standard reason that I
have always loved liberty and
my horizons have always been open. 

On these horizons however...

On these open horizons is also found the bad part of freedom
because it is precisely from there the Evil Hour draws near
with its storms and its lethal bitter cold
while a howl can be heard
like a Holy Sermon...
...Thus the World is humbled...
But what no one
expected is what will occur. 

My death is a reality
in the consciousness of everyone
which narrow and rotten as it may be
will fall to its knees before my own resistance
but which will be transformed into Legislation
for the detonation of Visions. 

Someone offers to start the game
on special kinds of terrain where the human being
has the rare opportunity
to be the victor without barbarising the passions
and as I myself like this proposal
and am making an amazing dash from the right
and what happened after is considered scandalous.

I wanted to leave the dark behind... 

Whether its Patrons wanted it or not
the dark was in fact left behind...
but from the right as well
I was oriented to the view I was here
                  on Earth and alive
a kind of corrupt and revolting light
and the course is murky
and the enemies equally inhuman. 

There in utter ease
they hurl me down...they insult me...they strike me
and around me the Dialectic
shows no sign of existence...
because as the the Supreme Lawgivers think
for me it is far too early
for there to be Justice in this World. 

If there is no Justice
Stoic resistance returns
                  to its own terrain
and while I was considering dribbling my black thoughts
in an explosive manner slipping along the ground
suddenly a pass was sent my way
of such dramatic value
for the expectations contained in Dreams. 

Those present there....
the grimmest spectators in our world
readied their stupid Invention
in order to see the world pulled down. 

But I knew from where this pass would be coming to me. 
It is the world ladies and gentlemen
which I suffer differently than you
and so that it might be the victor at least once
I allow it to pass serenely over me...
warning it that with the Dreams its carrying
an unenviable take-off is being prepared for it
by the Lords of Earth. 

-You should have taken the shot, you mutt...
howl the Giants of Money
who darken...turn black
and who then remind me that I am very poor
and belong to the lowest class of society
which this time as well
timidly and humbly as always respected
the rules of the Game
                  and the lines on the Field...
sacrificing the few desires that had remained
to the Pantheon of Tyranny. 

It was pointless to stay on the Field
I who want to stay here as a Man on Earth
and I loaded the shattered bodies
and carried them off within me.

But is this world which soon
will erase me from memory
all conscience has been demolished. 

Far off now at the point
where another human History will begin
I clutch as if they were wounds
the recollections of the games on Earth
which could very well be called
ideals in a mortuary
waiting for them to die. 

Hunted by death
I have got this far
because no one desired my Victory
which is why I am eternally one defeated
by the wretchedness of the world
which has crushed me with the storms
of its cynicism
precisely there in the fatal dispute
over the Philosophy of Human Triumph. 

Translation by PHILIP RAMP

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

СРЕЋА Poem in serbian by ILIAS FOUKIS


Ко зна колико пута
ћемо бити срећни!

Онако опкољени планинама
не добијајући одговор ни од кога
у погледу тог стања Опсаде још од рођења
мерисмо димензије долина
које бејаху тесне као наше страсти
у нади да садрже будућност
која је далеко Полазиште
познајући веома добро
саблазни које се збише у преображајима Постања
као да хоће да каже да ће увек бити тешко
да постоји будућност. . .
бацио нас је међу планине.

Пошто је Магла на планинама лежала
на начин класичан и божански. . .
на начин дакле дословно величанственији
од настраног присуства траве
веровасмо да напамет зна
унутрашњи садржај планина.

Касније призвасмо и Снове. . .
бејаху спремне и прогнозе
о остварењу блиставог развоја
с великом вероватноћом да има библијски срећан исход
померање наше Будућности.

Да ли је јасно или није шта желимо рећи? . . .

Бејасмо у стању узбуне за Будућност. . .
Морадосмо апсолутно одвојити Будућност. . .
која миришући на Авељеву тајанствену страст
попут неке лепе жене
ко зна у чијем наручју хтеде да се преда.

А шта се стварно деси. . .

Супротно нашим очекивањима
необичан догађај се зби! . . .

Магла нам однесе ветар
да је спаси од опсаде
коју поставише звезде.

Снове нам украде Смртни час
са своје стране
опседнут вековима.

Ако се добро сећам
беше то велико померање.

Свети обреди даваху благослове
држаху похвалне говоре
обрадовше добит.
Све се одвијало по знамењу пророчанства
невидљивог Пророка
у том давном почетку Историје.

А нама остадоше само наде
које су, истини за вољу,
иако од Вештица учињене лудим,
у предвиђању Будућности наше
откриле необичан дар.
И већ беху спремне
да се покрену. . .

Али се не зна шта да се ради са Срећом.

Планине су изгубиле способност

Превод са италијанског Лазар Мацура

СУДБИНА Poem in serbian by ILIAS FOUKIS


Јуче су спаљене Прилике
зато што је Сунце
било одвећ близу.

Такође јуче:
Прилике су нас заледиле
јер ко зна шта се збило
у светим проповедима Мудрости
и одузеле су нам повластицу Светлости.

Јуче су уништени јарболи наших лађа
у потрази за Смером
јер беше много Ветра. . . на нивоу олује.

Такође јуче:
нисмо успели да кренемо
у потрагу за Смером
зато што остасмо без Ветра.

Јуче се наши снови испунише водом
зато што паде много кише.

Такође јуче:
не могоше да се остваре наши снови
јер све снове богови за себе задржаше
од тог беса богова
пресахла је наша душа.

Јуче утрнуше наше главе
у потрази за Богом
зато што нађосмо обиље Неба.

Такође јуче:
не успедосмо да подигнемо главу
у потрази за Богом
зато што остасмо лишени Неба.

Превод са италијанског Лазар Мацура

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Il testamento di un dio minore - ILIAS FUKIS - Amazon.com

Questo è il mio volume di poesie'' IL TESTAMENTO DI UN DIO MINORE'' che è stata pubblicata in Amazzonia. Si compone di 47 poesie suddivise in quattro cicli di poesia.
Primo Ciclo - Razza di Caino - 12 poesie.
Secondo Ciclo - Inizio e fine delle passioni - 8 poesie.
Terzo Ciclo - Il giro del mondo con un Don Chisciotte - 18 poesie.
Quarto ciclo - Avviso di Apollo - 9 poesie.

IL TESTAMENTO DI UN DIO MINORE: Poesie (Italian Edition) by ILIAS FUKIS (Feb 16, 2014) - Kindle eBook


Se noi due
ci amassimo un giorno intero
la mattina dopo
ci sveglieremmo con il pensiero
che nonostante la forza colossale del male
con lo stesso dinamismo
ci potremmo amare anche tutto l’anno.

Visto che noi due
ci ameremmo tutto l’anno
quale limpido orizzonte ci vagherebbe
innanzi l’idea
che al contrario delle pupille vieppiù fosche
noi ci ameremmo in modo sempre più splendido
nei secoli dei secoli.

E se a noi due
riuscisse un miracolo del genere
lievi e ingenui come tutte le velocità
correremmo al pensiero
di poterci amare
per tutti i secoli dei secoli.

Quest’ultimo pensiero tuttavia
sarebbe alquanto gravoso…
e severamente puniti
gli dei dell'Olimpo con carica suprema
''Per dare all'umanita il segreto della Felicita''
e sotto il peso del suo cieca
puo morire.


Monday, February 17, 2014

The testament of a lesser god ILIAS FOUKIS Amazon.com

This is my poetry volume  '' THE TESTAMENT OF A LESSER GOD '' that was published in the Amazon. Consists of 54 poems divided into four cycles of poetry.  

First Cycle - Race of Cain - 14 poems

Second Cycle - Beginning and end of the passions - 8 poems

 Third Cycle - Around the world with a Don Quixote - 22 poems

Fourth cycle - Warning to Apollo - 10 poems.



http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00J2WH79E/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_8Dcrtb1BQBXSX via @amazon



Kindle Price: $12.29 includes VAT* & free international wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet


Kindle Price: $9.83 includes VAT* & free international wireless delivery via Amazon Whispernet